What is the AAUW – Lake Wales branch now for women and girls
- Sponsoring a STEM Day for Girls – Fun activities that allow girls to discover their problem-solving abilities and encourage them to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering and math, the high-paying careers of the future
- Presenting monetary awards to women returning to college
- Conducting panel discussions on matters of local concern, many in conjunction with the Lake Wales Chamber of Commerce and Lake Wales Main Street
- Honoring women who have made historic strides by hosting a biennial community event.
- Bringing cultural opportunities to local schools through display of framed prints of Master paintings
AAUW Lake Wales Branch raises funds for AAUW’s philanthropic programs and promotes awareness campaigns launched by AAUW in Washington, D.C. concerning educational, social, economic and political concerns of women. For an example, go to: https://www.aauw.org/article/closing-gender-leadership-gap/
Over its sixty-six (66) years, the branch has been instrumental in initiating local educational programs and cultural events so numerous that they have been catalogued in a 332-page book, Amazing Women, authored by Dr. Isabella Laude and available at the Lake Wales Library.
Our past accomplishments and ongoing projects include: helping establish or support the Lake Wales Little Theatre, Lake Wales Arts Council, Lake Wales Public Library, Lake Wales Literacy Council, Lake Wales Green and Gold Foundation and the Lake Wales Family Literacy Academy. We strive to inform, educate and open opportunities for women and girls in our large county.
Our track record includes:
- Presenting monetary awards to select college-bound women
- Bringing cultural opportunities to local schools through display of framed prints of Master paintings
- Giving talks in the schools about famous artists
- Initiating and sponsoring an annual “STEM Day” for sixty (60) schoolgirls
- Conducting panel discussions on matters of local concern, many in conjunction with the Lake Wales Chamber of Commerce and Lake Wales Main Street
- Honoring women who have made historic strides by hosting a biennial community event.